WILL OF GUINEVERE MAGNOLIA I, bequeath, of sound mind and body my fortune to Charles Saylor, on the condition that he find Monsieur Enigmatic and give him the items in my lockbox without opening or having foreknowledge of what I’m returning to Monsieur Enigmatic. Please follow the minute details of these instructions. He was a man of dubious insight and intention. A virile inquisitive occultist, occasionally he’d show up at various indignant underground venues and offer his services to the enchanting clientele. These people were searching for an extraordinary phenomenon that would change their marvelous lives into a legacy. I’ve been searching out this mystic of Aleister Crowley type repoire’ for years and I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t find him in this lifetime. The difference between Aleister and this man is that he seeks truth where Aleister sought fame. 1. Safeguard the lockbox with your life 2. Search out a man by the name of Don Juarez and inquire to know how to contact the agents of Monsieur Enigmatic. DO NOT EVER TELL HIM OF THE SAFE. TELL NO ONE. 3. When you find Monsieur Enigmatic tell him “The lady in white has a gold dagger” then acknowledge the lockbox after he acknowledges you. 4. Once you’ve acquired a safe location transfer the lockbox to him. Succeed where I have failed. Love, Guinevere
“The austere and audacity of Guinevere to leave a rabble rousing ghost hunt to, a Charles Saylor, whom she had met through brief contact at a gala. She deemed Charles an inquisitive mind according to the staff at her estate whom she gossiped with privately sometimes and whom all thought they were to be beneficiaries of her estate. She bequeathed her estate to an outsider of no gallantry or promise. He is a mere spectacle in the eyes of the many,” said Harold Terry, Guinevere’s second cousin. Guinevere was of a certain nobility in the United Kingdom and she had an estranged relationship with nearly everyone she met for her wild notions of anti-establishment protocol, and as she had aged she began to withdraw into her fortress presumably favoring her servants and caretakers as friends rather than the individuals she met at galas and formal dinners with the aristocracy. “She was always an eccentric, darling. You can never tell what an eccentric is going to do. That’s why I never preferred her company and she never preferred ours,” said Harold’s wife, Bethany. Charles Saylor was the odd pick as he wasn’t anti-establishment or provocative in any way. He was a simple man of modest endeavors. He consumed his time procuring shipments in his export business so it’s likely she knew he could’ve came in contact with all sorts of people who know things. “Charles, you have a letter here,” said Amber, his assistant. “What’s it concern?” he inquired. “It came from the estate of Guinevere Magnolia,” she acknowledged. “Certainly, I must see this,” he said. As he opened it a dim look came over him and he exclaimed, “That woman is cursed. What a trifled expedition.” He looked over it again taking in the audacity with a certain smirk. He felt the magnitude of the potential. Shortly, he began making phone calls trying to find Don Juarez. “Hello, Mr. Sundry. I’m begging you to please tell me if you know of a man by the name of Don Juarez?” “No, sorry I do not, Charles.” Phone call after phone call all the same. He had friends in the ministry of defense who he believed knew just about everyone, and they didn’t have a clue. Weeks passed by to no avail. He started to wonder about this lockbox the estate had sent him. It was had a simple star on the front, but he would not open it as he was a principled man. One morning while having tea at a local café, a young blond girl maybe 10 years old slipped him a note, it read, “Don Juarez is waiting,” attached was a calling card. Impatiently Charles sprang from his chair forgetting to pay for the tea as a policeman chased him down, “You think you can just get free tea in this fine café. Do you?” “No, sir. I wouldn’t think of it. I just….” “Where is the lockbox?,” the policeman said. “Excuse me?” “The lockbox or either I throw you in jail,” the policeman demanded. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Alright, I see how it’s going to be.” The police cuffed him and took him to jail. Charles bonded out on the trumped up charges of stealing and resisting a police officer. He began to suspect everyone and everything. The police had seen the calling card and we’re probably investigating the associations of that phone number. He decided not to call directly from his house phone. It was raining heavily as he entered the telephone booth just three blocks from his house. The other end rang…………..ring………………..ring……………….ring………………..”Who is this?,” said a gruffy voice. “This is Charles Saylor. I’m calling about…” “You’ve called the right number, this is Juarez. Meet me at Market Street in half an hour.” The phone line went dead. Charles was anxious and feeling the impracticality of the day’s events. It had been a long day. Nonetheless, he knew he must meet this Don Juarez soon so he headed off to Market Street. A man wearing an old straw hat seemed to be shadowing Charles as he approached Market Street. The man finally came up to him at Market Street and said in the same scruffy voice, “I have been following you the past couple of weeks since Guinevere’s death. I am Don Juarez. Do not give the lockbox to me as I’m sure I cannot be trusted but I have made arrangements for you to fly to Rio de Janeiro with the box. There you will meet Monsieur Enigmatic.” Chapter 2 Charles arrived in Rio de Janeiro a bit distraught but equally determined to give the lockbox to Monsieur Enigmatic so he could continue with his life and receive the inheritance from Guinevere’s estate. At this point he could care less what was in the box. Monsieur Enigmatic had requested Charles attend a séance, as he arrived Charles had an uneasy feeling about the events. Monsieur conducted the séance while Charles stood idly by with the lockbox in hand. “Guinevere, are you with us?” The table rattled loudly. Orbs began to encircle the room and they encircled until they came to make a shape, it was the outline of a woman. She pointed to Charles and he remained stoic in the face of all this. Monsieur said, “Charles hand me the box.” Charles did so. The ghostly woman spoke, “In the box is the ruins and hopes of the many. There will come great catastrophe upon whomever reveals the secret that lies within.” Charles scrambled out of there back to his hotel. Monsieur Enigmatic continued his séance and his occultist life. To this day, nobody knows what lies in the box. Legend says that it was Solomon’s ring. Charles retired after receiving the inheritance. Monsieur Enigmatic became a world renowned occultist.